Cuban in Spain: "I wouldn't trade my childhood in Cuba for any child's in the world."

Despite all the shortages, a thousand needs, my childhood in Cuba I wouldn't exchange it for any child's in the world. I wouldn't trade playing with the spinning top, wandering the streets, playing marbles, "quimbicuarta," "comefango," "chivichana," taking a box of marbles, or sneaking into the neighbor's yard to steal mangoes.

In a video posted on TikTok, a Cuban living in Spain shared memories of his childhood in Cuba and proudly stated that if given the opportunity, he would be born again on the island.

In his post shared on social media, the coach began by recounting how when he said he was Cuban, Spaniards usually showed a special affection towards Cuban culture and towards himself.

"Here in Spain, when you say you are Cuban, the Spanish (...) feel an attachment, an affection for Cuban culture, for Cubans, and they show concern, asking you how the situation is, a series of things, showing interest. We are well received here in Spain," he commented.

Afterwards, he narrated an anecdote about an experience he had with some people who asked him if he would choose to have been born outside of Cuba if he could change his past.

Not a chance, that's not something to think about. Many would say yes; no, I don't think about that. I gave a quick and concise answer, I told him I would be born again in Cuba with tremendous pride," was his response.

Despite all the shortcomings, a thousand needs, my childhood in Cuba I would not exchange it for that of any child in the world. I wouldn't trade playing spinning top, being out in the streets, playing marbles, the four squares game, mud pies, hopscotch, or sneaking into a neighbor's yard to steal mangoes. That cannot be exchanged for anything in the world, that childhood happiness cannot be exchanged for anything in the world," he emphasized in his reasons.

The coach also highlighted the joy of his youth in Cuba, mentioning the parties, friendships, and school experiences. "I wouldn't trade my youth for anything in the world, getting into a crowd with my buddies, the enjoyable hours at school. I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world. I am sure that all over the world, youth does not enjoy it like the Cuban does. I wouldn't change any of that. I think about those times and say I was happy, happy. The university, one of the most beautiful stages of my life..."

Finally, he expressed his pride in being Cuban and the deep connection he feels with his native country. "Despite the difficulties, we Cubans are the people who, due to the shortcomings we have had, have become super adaptable people. If you leave us in the Sahara Desert, we will float, we will unite with all the beasts, and from the desert, we will bring out flowers. Because many difficulties we face have taught us to see life differently, to face it differently, to fight. So, what I gained being in Cuba, I probably wouldn't have gained anywhere else in the world. So, I was happy, no discussion about that. I am proud to be Cuban, and I would be born again in Cuba. Now, many people ask, 'Oh no? Why aren't you in Cuba?' We are talking about different matters; we can get into that later. The experiences I have of my beautiful Cuba, of my Cuba, of my childhood, of my friendships, of the Cuban relationship (...). Cuba is a feeling, Cuba is in the blood, and I don't negotiate it with anyone," he concluded in the video that has sparked a wave of reactions on TikTok, reflecting a variety of opinions about life in Cuba and the personal experiences of the users.

A user commented: "Stockholm Syndrome." Another one expressed: "I'm sorry, I respect your opinion, but I wouldn't be born in Cuba again. Since I fled from that dictatorship, I have not returned and wouldn't return."

"Of course I would be born in Cuba again, but then I'll leave"; "I would be born in Cuba again and I would leave for Spain again, of course," noted another person.

There were also messages of support, nostalgia, and testimonies from fellow countrymen: "Cubans are unique, wherever we go we leave a mark"; "Without a doubt, I would be born in Cuba again. I was very happy, not everything is as it seems"; "I would definitely, with pride, be born in Cuba again, but with other presidents who love and respect their people"; "I have traveled almost all of Europe and would be born again with the pride of the world. Despite everything, I would come back a thousand times and proud to be Cuban," several people said.

And you, what do you think?

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