Tornado causes devastation in the town of Matanzas.

The natural phenomenon caused damage to houses and electrical facilities. No loss of human lives was reported. An update from the Provincial Meteorological Center clarified that it was actually a severe local storm accompanied by strong winds.

Tornado en San Antonio de Cabezas, localidad del municipio de Unión de Reyes, en Matanzas © Collage de Facebook/Pedro Rizo Martinez
Tornado in San Antonio de Cabezas, a locality in the municipality of Unión de Reyes, in Matanzas.Photo © Facebook Collage/Pedro Rizo Martinez

A tornado caused damage to homes in the town of San Antonio de Cabezas, located in the municipality of Unión de Reyes, in Matanzas, during the Wednesday afternoon, according to reports on social media.

The official journalist Pedro Rizo Martínez reported on Facebook that there are no reports of human losses, but there are damages to homes.

Facebook screenshot / Pedro Rizo Martínez

He highlighted that at this moment the Defense Council, led by Arlen González, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, is evaluating the situation and quantifying the damages.


Marixma Miyares, director of the Provincial Meteorological Center, clarified that the damages caused were the result of a severe local storm accompanied by strong winds, and not a tornado, as initially reported.

The reporter updated the information on his Facebook profile and added that, according to preliminary data from local authorities, the damage was concentrated on the roofs of around twenty houses. "Although the assessment is still ongoing," he said.

Facebook capture/Pedro Rizo Martínez

Residents confirm that in one part of the town it happened like three times and it was strongly felt," he pointed out.

In addition, he reported that the first secretary of the Party in the province, Mario Sabines Lorenzo, and the governor, Marieta Poey Zamora, were evaluating the situation and taking the necessary measures to recover what was damaged as soon as possible.

In the Facebook group Weather Enthusiasts, user Yosmelvi Páez shared a gallery of photos showing the damages caused by the weather phenomenon.

Facebook screenshot/Weather Enthusiasts Group/Yosmelvi Paez

The tornado hit the town three times and was 'strongly felt,' the author of the publication pointed out.

The images show damages to the roofs of the houses, fallen poles, and destroyed electrical installations.

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