Indignant Cubans over mistreatment of a horse in Villa Clara

The activists are demanding tougher actions against animal abusers in Cuba.

Caballo maltratado © BAC Placetas
Abused horsePhoto © BAC Placetas

Cubans on social media expressed their outrage over the mistreatment that a horse in Villa Clara was subjected to, which resulted in the death of the animal.

The activist Yenney Caballero, a staunch defender of animals in Cuba, denounced the incident on Facebook and urged the government to take urgent action to punish those responsible and amend the Animal Welfare Decree in favor of tougher penalties.

The young woman posted a video showing the horse extremely thin, without strength to get up, after being abandoned by its owners under the sun, and being assisted by activists from the independent organization Animal Welfare Cuba (BAC) in Placetas.

In that group, which filmed the video, an activist confirmed that the animal died shortly afterwards.

ENOUGH ANIMAL ABUSE! It is criminal what they go through daily. They cannot defend themselves, they do not go to a vet on their own. I will stand with all animal rights activists wherever it is necessary. Amend the animal welfare decree, take tough action against these horrors. We are exhausted from seeing so much. Our homes filled with animals, our hearts broken. We cannot bear so much suffering. Cases like this cannot go unpunished. Justice, please share. This is the most suffering animal in Cuba. No more mistreatment, no more cruelty," Caballero posted on Facebook.

Publication inFacebook

Immediately, dozens of people commented on the post and demanded an urgent modification of the animal welfare decree and harsher penalties for those responsible for these acts of cruelty.

How sad to see that photo. The horses are victims of their owners who only see them as a way to enrich themselves. Here in this country, the government does not care about any animals. When will we see a law that protects them and punishes their offenders harshly?, commented an internet user.

It's sad and painful how animals suffer in Cuba. Animal cruelty doesn't stop. It's too much already. Why doesn't the government imprison people who commit these acts over and over again?," said another.

"It's incredible that there are people so devoid of natural affection, how much they could have served their owner and now they toss them out to die in the sun, it's too harsh, poor little animal," stated a third user on the network.

The gentleman who has uncovered several serious cases of animal abuse in Cuba, such as the sale of dog meat in Mayabeque, has been denouncing for months that horses are often mistreated by their owners with the complicit gaze of the authorities.

In 2022, the animal rights activist reported that a horse was being beaten in the middle of the street in San José de las Lajas, Mayabeque. Her report prompted the authorities to rescue the animal and place it in a safe shelter.

Likewise, last year Cuban animal rights activist Betty Batista confronted the abusive owner of a pony, took the animal away from him, and sheltered it inside her own house in Havana until the authorities arrived.

The woman, who is a rescuer, posted a video on her Facebook page where she was seen confronting the owners of the animal when they went to claim it, and told them that she would only hand it over if they left an official document so they could be located by the police.

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