Cuban is surprised by the decoration of the markets in Montevideo: "They go all out, they are artists."

The unique way of organizing food at this market in Montevideo, Uruguay, using animated figures, caught the attention of a Cuban residing in that country.

Mercados en Montevideo © Collage captura Facebook / Yisley Hernández
Markets in MontevideoPhoto © Collage screenshot Facebook / Yisley Hernández

Cubans, after decades of isolation, when they escape from the country, discover a new world, full of sensations that undoubtedly captivate them, as if they were appreciating beauty for the first time.

That is the case of Yisley Hernández who on the social network Facebook shows the discoveries she makes in Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay, where she recently highlighted the curious way in which they organize food in the markets.

Facebook screenshot / Yisley Hernández

"The decorator of the agricultural market in Montevideo always surprises with a different design," said the woman, truly delighted with the creativity used for selling.

"He is amazing," Hernandez stated, and in the shared photos, well-known figures can be recognized, such as Chip and Dale, Mafalda, and also the four penguins from the children's Madagascar series.

Hernández has also been intrigued by the variations of Spanish used in Uruguay, participating alongside another woman in a funny video.

Recently, a Cuban in Paraguay set a goal to discover the gastronomy of his new place of residence, admitting that the world of new flavors that opens before his eyes has amazed him.

The young man, known as Harche Vlogs on TikTok, expressed: "God, how easy it is to make a Cuban happy!", in a video where he is seen trying various dishes from Paraguayan cuisine.

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