Cuban-American highlights the creativity of Cubans to insult: "They are unique."

The Cuban-American TikToker @nikkiii0602 has highlighted the creativity and originality of Cubans when it comes to insulting in a viral video.

Proud of her Cuban roots, a Cuban-American TikToker highlighted in a video the ability of Cubans when it comes to insulting. Although Nikki loves Cuban sayings, she acknowledges that there is nothing like insulting others with the originality and wit of Cubans, and even provided examples. A video that is causing a sensation among Cubans, who contributed their own favorite insults in the comments.

One of the things I love about Cubans and Cuban-Americans is their ability to insult people when we get mad. They are unique. Instead of calling them real insults like idiot or stupid, we say: "It's not the same to be a McDonald's as to be a bread with croquettes, and you are a bread with croquettes". It's precious. Only Cubans have it. Another example, although there are endless ones, is: "you're not a mango, you're a tangerine." If you know, you know," commented the user @nikkiii0602.

Other Cubans reacted to this video by sharing their favorite Cuban phrases. Some of the phrases we found in the comments are: "And Juana returns with the washbasin", "You have the face of a busy phone", "If it falls, it eats grass", "I'm measuring you, and it's not for clothes", "Girl, with that face or that size, you won't even kill a fly, go on, old man", "You woke up with your bun crooked", "You have my life turned into yogurt" or "Birds don't shoot at shotguns".

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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