A young migrant who was left paralyzed due to a traffic accident in Mexico returns to Cuba.

Although he could not reach the United States, the 33-year-old man is with his mom and the rest of his family and does not lose hope of walking again.

A young Cuban man who was left paralyzed in a serious traffic accident in Mexico while trying to reach the border with the United States has just returned to his native home in Las Tunas.

"Returning home with shattered dreams. Very sad what Alexey Ponce Duarte, 33 years old, has experienced," journalist Mario J. Pentón said on Twitter, who shared a video of the young man's first moments with his family.

"Although she couldn't come to the USA, at least she is with her loved ones today and hopeful of recovering," the reporter pointed out.

The video shows the emotional reunion of Alexey with his mother, who is sick with cancer, and both share a long hug in which she, with tears in her eyes, kissed him and kept repeating that she would take care of him.

In May, this migrant shared his dramatic story with Martí Noticias. He mentioned that he left with his wife and stepdaughter last October towards Nicaragua, after selling his house and all his belongings to finance the journey.

The path is tough. Immigration sent us back to Guatemala and there were the cartel people waiting for us. We were able to leave that place because we still had some money left," he detailed.

He doesn't remember much about the traffic accident they had in Mexico because he lost consciousness right away.

"I fractured my spine. My wife is still going to rehabilitation therapies because she was also very injured. In the last few days, I have noticed that I am getting bedsores," he said.

Despite his tough situation, at that time he maintained the hope of reaching the United States and continued requesting an appointment with CBP One every day to seek asylum at the border, something that unfortunately did not happen.

He and his partner lived off charity and some help they received from their relatives in Miami, but even so, they did not want to return to Cuba. "Here, at least, you go to the pharmacy and you have medicine," he pointed out at the time.

The young man was hopeful about entering the United States and having specialists there see him. "I believe that with good doctors I can walk again," he stated at that time.

Finally, Alexei is back in Cuba with his mother and the rest of his family.

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