Family members demand justice after the murder of a young man over a debt in Camagüey.

The young man would have been murdered over a debt.

Joven asesinado © Facebook
Young man murderedPhoto © Facebook

A Cuban young man identified as Orlando Sosa was murdered in the city of Camagüey this week, and his family is demanding justice.

In the Facebook group "Missing persons within Cuba. We are your voice," it is explained that the victim, a native of Florida municipality, was "stabbed directly in the heart," supposedly over a debt.

It details that the authorities have not established the identity of the aggressor; therefore, their family and friends are calling for justice.

The incident occurred between June 4th and 6th.

Publication onFacebook

On Facebook, friends of the victim have posted pictures with his wife and children, as well as one in which he is seen on a hospital stretcher.

Likewise, they have expressed being with a "broken heart and full of sadness" for Sosa's departure, whom they described as a young man "full of joy, love, and affection".

Publication onFacebook

Reports of crimes in Cuba are becoming increasingly common on social media, as well as demands for justice from the families of the victims, who must deal with the inefficiency of the Cuban police in solving the cases.

In May, a corpse in an advanced state of decomposition was found in an alley in the city of Santiago de Cuba, and this week another man was fatally stabbed on a street in the same city, as reported on social media by journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada.

This Saturday, the skeleton of a young man who had been missing for a month in Campechuela, Granma, also appeared, apparently a victim of another murder.

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