Two Cubans face nine years in prison for assault with iron bars in Spain.

The Public Prosecutor's Office of Asturias requested nine years in prison for the two Cubans, and that one of them be expelled from Spain for ten years.

Policía Nacional (Imagen de referencia) © La Nueva España
National Police (Reference image)Photo © La Nueva España

Two Cubans in the autonomous community of Asturias, in the north of Spain, are facing a nine-year prison sentence for allegedly attacking a man with iron bars, as reported by a local source.

The Public Prosecutor's Office of the Principality of Asturias requested nine years in prison for the two defendants, who attacked a man in the municipality of Llanes, as reported by the news portal La Nueva España.

The fiscal report indicates that the incident took place on October 4, 2021, on La Calzada street in Llanes, resulting in multiple injuries for the victim, including left facial and ocular trauma, nasal fracture, penetrating wound in the left eye, and fracture of the lamina papyracea with fat herniation.

The victim required medical and surgical treatment, including suturing and corneal transplantation, which extended their recovery for a period of 100 days.

He was left with a visual acuity loss in his left eye as a sequel, which represents a clear limitation to being able to perform the essential tasks of his usual profession as a carpenter-parquet installer, the website stated.

The Prosecutor considered that the facts constitute a crime of assault, and therefore, in addition to requesting a nine-year prison sentence, requested a special disqualification from exercising the right to passive suffrage during the time of the conviction.

Furthermore, he requested that they be prohibited from approaching the victim, his home, workplace, or any place where he may be, within 500 meters, for a period of 10 years, including communication with him by any means or method.

The Public Prosecutor's Office also requested that one of the individuals involved, after effectively serving two-thirds of the sentence, be expelled from Spanish territory for a decade, as well as payment of the costs.

Finally, it was also requested that the Cubans compensate the victim with a total amount of 30,000 euros for the injuries and sequels.

Last May, a Cuban was arrested in Galicia for driving without the corresponding license, and he argued that he did not have the original document, as it had been confiscated earlier by the Local Police.

The Región reported that the man was intercepted on December 1, 2023 by the Civil Guard on the A-52, driving a vehicle without having obtained the necessary official permit.

Recently, the National Police of Spain dismantled, in Valencia, a criminal organization that allegedly specialized in forging documents to legalize the status of Cuban migrants in the Iberian country.

Europa Press detailed that authorities detained four individuals, two men and two women, aged between 52 and 57, of Cuban and Italian origin.

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