Rosa María Payá meets with the Chancellor of Argentina: "We are inspired by the freedom agenda."

"The Berlin Wall of the Americas will be torn down by Cubans with the solidarity of free nations," Payá declared.

Rosa María Payá © X/Rosa María Payá
Rosa María PayáPhoto © X/Rosa María Payá

The Cuban activist Rosa María Payá, coordinator of the international campaign Cuba Decide, met on Tuesday with the Chancellor of Argentina, Diana Mondino, to discuss freedom and democracy in the region.

During the meeting, Payá praised the "freedom agenda" promoted by Argentina, highlighting its significance not only for that country but for the entire American continent.

The freedom agenda that Argentina is promoting deeply inspires us. We believe that this agenda has the vocation of being not only an agenda of freedom for Argentina, but continental, for all the peoples of the Americas," he expressed.

He added that "this agenda will be complete when it also includes as an objective freedom for Cuba and, with it, the dream of having a Latin America free from dictatorship, free from tyrants."

In this regard, he considered that "the authoritarian octopus that we have seen advancing in the region with the discourse of 21st-century socialism has its head in Havana."

"The Berlin Wall of the Americas we will tear down, us Cubans, with the solidarity of free nations," the young woman declared at the end of the meeting with Mondino.

Rosa María Payá is a prominent Cuban activist based in Miami. The daughter of Oswaldo Payá, a recognized opposition leader of the Cuban government and founder of the Varela Project, she coordinates the citizen initiative "Cuba Decide," which aims to hold a plebiscite in favor of free and plural elections in Cuba, an event that has not occurred in 67 years.

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