Neighbors live in squalor in a building on the verge of collapsing in Havana.

From their balconies (made of pure wooden planks), people have fallen from heights of four or five meters.


The residents of a building in Central Havana that has been uninhabitable since 1969 continue to live among rubble, garbage, sewage water, rodents, and insects, without anyone ever having done anything for them.

It is a building located on Tenerife street 64, between Antón Recio and Figuras, in the Los Sitios neighborhood, which is about to collapse at any moment.

The internet user who identifies himself on Facebook as Paco Pécora accused the government of Centro Habana - located on the corner of Reina and Ángeles - of corruption, and whose officials have never addressed the complaints of those neighbors who have been living among ruins for 55 years.

This case has not been resolved due to lack of management, corruption, neglect, and bad faith on the part of the decision-makers, who are none other than those to whom complaints must be addressed, creating a vicious circle in which there is no hope of a possible solution, it is as if the abused woman were to complain about the abuse to her abuser," said in the group "Reporting Abuses in the Cuban People".

Screenshot of Facebook / Report Abuses People of Cuba / Paco Pécora

According to the author of the post, in the building there are children, women, and elderly people who live poorly among debris about to fall on them.

"From their balconies (simple wooden platforms made of planks), people have fallen from heights of four or five meters, black waters flood the lower corridors, entering the 4x4 rooms where five, six, seven, and sometimes even more people live crammed and miserable," said last May in the Facebook group "Cuba Denuncia Now."

The corrupt individuals in the Centro Habana government are fully aware of this situation, but they have done nothing more than profit from the solutions. Every few years, these individuals are assigned houses in other locations, and the decision-makers either sell them or assign them to themselves, and the situation remains the same or worsens for them," he detailed.

Facebook screenshot / Cuba Denuncia Now / Paco Pécora

The neighbors have reported the situation to the National Revolutionary Police, the Prosecutor's Office, Housing, and the government itself, but have not received any responses from anyone.

There are more illegal than legal residents living there, with the place being a hotspot for crime and delinquency. The police don't even want to go there anymore due to the high frequency of reports they receive for crimes committed in the area or by people living there temporarily," he added.

"That citadel - as the government likes to call it - deteriorates more every day, threatening to fall on its inhabitants at any moment," he concluded.

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