Biden's unique congratulations to Trump on the 78th birthday of the former U.S. president.

Joe Biden's communication team has not missed the opportunity to leverage the former president's birthday for campaigning.

Donald Trump turned a year older this Friday and among the many congratulations on social media from his supporters, the one from the current U.S. President, Joe Biden, stood out. Biden is his main political contender in the upcoming November elections this year.

Biden's communication team did not miss the opportunity to use the former president's birthday to campaign.

"Happy 78th birthday, Donald. Take it from one old man to another: age is just a number. This election, however, is a choice," can be read on the president's official account on X.

Biden's message was accompanied by a video that drew parallels between both presidential administrations and focused on viewpoints regarding issues such as abortion, taxes, and climate change. Additionally, the president recalled that Trump was recently found guilty in a trial where he faced 34 charges.

Since the previous electoral process, Donald Trump did not hesitate to mock the age of the Democratic leader, describing him on more than one occasion as a "decrepit old man."

Whether Joe Biden wins the elections on November 5th or if Donald Trump achieves it, the winner will become the oldest president to be sworn in in the United States.

However, the surveys are clear: Many more Americans consider that the current president is too old for a second term, compared to those who complain about Donald Trump's age.

Biden, 81, shows recurrent signs of fatigue and seems increasingly disoriented, as happened in a recent video that went viral in relation to the G7 Summit held in Italy, where he was seen adopting a baffling attitude in the presence of other leaders during one of the summit activities.

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