Kylian Mbappé loses faith and says goodbye to Paris 2024

The French star stated that Real Madrid will not authorize any of their players. Eduardo Camavinga and Aurélien Tchouaméni will not be there either.

Kylian Mbappé © X/Real Madrid
Kylian MbappéPhoto © X/Real Madrid

The Real Madrid's new signing, Kylian Mbappé, bid farewell this Sunday to the possibility of representing France in the football tournament of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, despite being a national demand due to what the goal scorer represents.

At a press conference prior to the French team's debut in the Eurocup, the star player stated that Real Madrid will not allow any of its players to participate in the event scheduled from July 26 to August 11.

"My club has a very clear stance. I think I will not participate in the Olympic Games, it's a reality. That's how things are," he stated in remarks published by the Prensa Latina agency.

However, the 15-time Champions League king's stance is understandable to Mbappé: "I will arrive at a new club and it wouldn't be the best start to an adventure," reasoned the 2018 World Cup holder.

Furthermore, reality indicates that the Olympic Games are not part of FIFA's calendar and teams are not obligated to release their top players, so the French coach Thierry Henry lost his hopes of fielding the forward.

Henry will be in charge of the under-23 team, as dictated by Olympic rules, but he can also invite up to three older athletes; however, he will not be able to call up Eduardo Camavinga (21 years old) and Aurélien Tchouaméni (24), other stars of the team.

With the favorites tag and after falling on penalties against Argentina in the final of Qatar 2022, France will clash against Austria in the continuation of Group D of the Eurocup, which on Sunday saw the success of the Netherlands over Poland (2-1).

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