Randy Malcom dedicates a beautiful congratulation to his son for his birthday: "Dad idolizes you and loves you."

Malcom Jr. turns nine years old this June 22nd.

Malcom Jr., the son of Randy Malcom and Annaby Pozo, is celebrating his birthday on June 22nd and his dad's congratulatory message on social media couldn't be missing.

On Instagram, the member of Gente de Zona dedicated a beautiful congratulation to his child for his ninth birthday.

Dear son, on a day like today, you came into our lives to bring more color, joy, and happiness. You know that I love you very much. Happy Birthday! - wished his father.

Champion, may that smile never fade. Remember that it is your most powerful weapon, just like your heart is. Happy 9th birthday! Dad idolizes you and loves you. Here's to many more together! said the singer.

Randy accompanied his text with a video that is full of tenderness and emotion, summarizing these nine years of his son.

Since the moment he held him in his arms as a newborn baby, to each of the birthdays they have enjoyed together, the proud dad recalled these precious moments in his son's life and the whole family.

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Deneb González

CiberCuba Entertainment Editor

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