Pair of elderly Cubans walk the streets of Havana in love, after half a century together

Carlos and Isabel walk, in love for over half a century, the streets of Havana.

Pareja de ancianos viven su amor de más de medio siglo en La Habana © Collage Facebook / Kaloian
An elderly couple lives their love of over half a century in Havana.Photo © Collage Facebook / Kaloian

Carlos and Isabel, an elderly Cuban couple who have lived their love for over half a century, recently allowed themselves to be photographed while walking hand in hand along the Paseo del Prado in Havana, the same place where they met over 50 years ago.

The photographer Kaloian shared a beautiful gallery of photos on Facebook last Thursday showing the love and affection that Carlos, 99, and Isabel, 82, feel.

Facebook screenshot / Kaloian

"They slowly and carefully climbed the pair of steps of the Paseo del Prado. He helped her, offering his arm for support. Then, they held hands and walked together, step by step," Kaloian described in his moving account of the scene captured with his lens.

"They were walking, smiling, and whispering. They were co-conspirators and lovers in Havana," the photographer recounted, adding that this pair of eternal lovers, when courting each other, had the habit of meeting at the Prado before going for a walk.

The publication has received a flood of comments, many of them celebrating the love of this couple.

In 2023, another heartwarming love story caught the attention of many: a couple of grandparents met in a nursing home in Camagüey and, after being struck by Cupid's arrow, Caridad Belén (69) and Oneido Maryn (81) decided to get married.

Maryn commented on what her seduction strategy was. "Every day a little flower, until she fell into the trap," said this experienced gentleman who had been widowed for five years, laughing.

"He thought he would lead a quiet life, that no one else would come near him, and I felt the same way. I came here to rest, to seek peace and quiet, and I found this," Caridad commented with a mischievous smile.

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