A Cuban in Miami tells what continues happening to her after two years living in the United States.

After two years in Miami, a Cuban still reacts to thunder as if she were in Cuba.

It's hard to forget old habits, as a Cuban in Miami can attest. After two and a half years living in Miami, her first thought upon hearing thunder was to remember the blackouts on the island.

The protagonist of this video was the user @chinareyes1604, who shared an anecdote that happened to her while she was showering. In the video, titled "Things that only Cubans think," she recounted that her first thought upon hearing thunder was the urgent need to charge her phone before the power went out, an automatic reflex from her life in Cuba.

The young woman laughs at herself when she realizes she is in Miami, where power outages are rare. This reaction from this Cuban demonstrates that the everyday difficulties faced by Cubans shape their behavior and mentality even when emigrating.

"Two and a half years here and I still think they are going to cut off my electricity," wrote @chinareyes1604 in the description on TikTok.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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