They are looking for a Cuban man who disappeared during a trip to Guantánamo.

The man's name is Diosbel Cantillo Martínez. Support is being requested on social media to help find his whereabouts.

Diosbel Cantillo Martínez © Facebook/Geisa Martínez
Diosbel Cantillo MartínezPhoto © Facebook/Geisa Martínez

Users of the social network Facebook are calling today for the digital community to come together in the search for the missing citizen Diosbel Cantillo Martínez, who disappeared in the last hours during a trip to Guantánamo.

The official journalist Miguel Reyes shared a post by Geisa Martínez where she expressed her concern and requested help "from all those who can collaborate" to find Cantillo, who left on Monday morning heading towards the eastern territory and was seen by several people.

Facebook post/Miguel News

"We have not been able to communicate with him. I need any information," indicates the text where they share the communication channels to report if they have seen him or know anything about him.

Increasingly, social networks are becoming a way to seek support in cases of missing persons in Cuba, a phenomenon that has gained visibility, as was the case with Cuban Juana María Curbelo Santana, 64, who had been missing since this past Saturday, when she was last seen in the Mantilla neighborhood in Havana.

The woman, who "suffers from schizophrenia and was not taking the prescribed medication," was located by authorities this Monday in a hospital, where she was taken after being hit by a motorcycle that fled the scene.

Likewise, on June 20th, the relatives of a teenager identified as Evelyn reported her disappearance when she left her house in La Lisa on her way to school. Later on, it was known that the young girl was already with her family.

That same day, the unknown whereabouts of Mailyn Fernández Caballero, a mother of two young children who had been missing from her home in the town of El Cristo on the outskirts of the city of Santiago de Cuba for over 24 hours, made headlines.

In the midst of a context of insecurity due to the increase in crime, digital platforms are becoming increasingly necessary, as official channels on the island seem oblivious to this reality, while disappearances are a topic that can no longer be hidden.

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