Family reports the disappearance of a young person in Havana: "The police are not paying attention to us"

The young man's relatives turned to CiberCuba to seek support in making the case known.

Joven desaparecido en La Habana © Facebook/Yaser Ângëlblâck
Young man missing in HavanaPhoto © Facebook/Yaser Ângëlblâck

A young Cuban man has been missing for 48 hours in Havana, and relatives have made a plea for help to locate him.

"Hello, I am a relative of this young man who has been missing for 48 hours already and the police are not paying attention to us, nor telling us anything. In other words, I don't see any action from them, and the longer time passes, the worse it could get," was the message sent to our editorial team by a family member of the missing person.

Facebook screenshot/Yaser Ângëlblâck

The person was skeptical about the police action and asked for help to publicize this unfortunate event, which has left their family in sadness, especially the young man's mother, who they mention has a heart condition.

According to this source, the boy's mother has not slept for two nights. Additionally, she mentioned not knowing where to turn.

On Facebook, the user Yaser Ângëlblâck, who identified himself as the young man's uncle, shared a photo of the boy, as well as two telephone numbers where information can be provided in case he is seen: (+53) 59 767 725 (His mom's number) or his father's (+52) 54 497 462.

Capture from Facebook/Yaser Ângëlblâck

Unfortunately, neither in the message to our editorial team nor in the Facebook post are more details provided about the young man's disappearance, nor the clothes he was last seen wearing.

Last Friday, the disappearance of a Cuban resident in Sancti Spiritus was reported. She left six days ago to do some shopping and did not return home; since then, her relatives have not heard anything from her.

Her name is Cleidys Garcías, and her cousin turned to social media to report her disappearance and ask for help.

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