Cuban sentenced to 50 years in prison for leading fuel theft ring in nine counties in Texas

The Cuban man pleaded guilty in April. "I am not guilty, but I just want to put an end to this," he said. He then entered an open guilty plea.

Duniesky González © Captura de video de YouTube
Duniesky GonzálezPhoto © YouTube video screenshot

A Cuban in the United States was sentenced to 50 years in prison for leading a fuel theft ring in nine counties in Texas.

Duniesky González, 37 years old and residing in Dallas, is accused of participating in a scheme designed for the massive theft of diesel fuel at gas stations.

He and the rest of those involved were tampering with the fuel pumps using fraudulent credit card information, thereby drastically reducing the price of the pumped fuel and stealing thousands of dollars.

The events took place in 2022 and Gonzalez was arrested on January 27, 2023.

The trial took place in April and he was found guilty, although he did not admit his guilt, saying: "I am not guilty, but I just want to put an end to this," he said at the time. After the hearing, he entered an open guilty plea.

After being found guilty of participating in organized criminal activities, last Tuesday a judge sentenced him to 50 years in prison with the right to appeal.

According to América TeVe, during the hearing, the state prosecutor argued that a "life sentence is not unreasonable" and that there should be a "minimum of 50 years."

The defense, for its part, pointed out that if someone was injured by the offenses, such a long sentence would be justified, but that was not the case. The prosecutor responded that financial loss can harm people.

In addition to González, Ramón Pérez-Torres, 31, from Mesquite, Nevada, and Camila Cruz Concepción, 26, from Dallas, were accused of belonging to the criminal network.

Both are in prison and their trial will be on July 23rd.

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