Family of missing Miami Cuban man during trip to Mexico asks for help to find him

The Cuban Oscar Luis Marcos Roso, 62 years old, disappeared in the municipality of Tenosique, in the Mexican state of Tabasco, on June 4th, around two o'clock in the afternoon.

The family of a Cuban resident in Miami who disappeared at the beginning of this month in the state of Tabasco, Mexico, during a business and tourism trip, asked for help to find him.

Oscar Luis Marcos Roso, 62 years old, disappeared in the municipality of Tenosique, Tabasco, on June 4th, around 14:00 hours.

Around that time, his family in Miami, Florida, had their last phone communication with him, and since then his whereabouts have been unknown.

Kassandra and Alejandro Marcos Roso, siblings of Oscar Luis, traveled 3,900 kilometers from Florida, United States, to southern Mexico to look for him.

In an interview with radio station XEVT, published on its Facebook page, Kassandra shared details of the trip that led her brother to Mexican lands, where he disappeared a few days after arriving.

He planned a trip at the end of last month, beginning of this one, towards here, the southern part of Mexico, mainly to Tabasco, he entered the country on the first of June...", he stated, while also revealing that, days before traveling, Oscar Luis had contacted a girl on Facebook, who lives in Villahermosa.

Kassandra assured that her brother is very close to his family, and during his trips, he communicated with them constantly to inform them about the places he was going to or when he arrived at the hotel. In fact, according to his sister, he confirmed to her that he had seen the woman he met on the social network and they had slept together in a hotel on June 3rd.

On June 4th, Oscar Luis sent an audio message to his sister telling her that he had stopped by a friend's house and later, that he was arriving in Cárdenas. "That was his last conversation with me," stated Kassandra, who found it strange that after two in the afternoon - the time he sent the audio - he didn't contact her anymore.

"And since we are not accustomed to that, we logically took action so that someone here in this area could report to the Public Prosecutor's Office and the competent authorities for his search. My brother has been missing since June 4th," he said.

"My brother Alejandro and I came to Villahermosa, we are here so that we can get support, whether from the Prosecutor's Office or any other means, to find our brother," he explained.

He said that the Prosecutor's Office has been assisting them since they arrived, but has seen little progress in the investigation. "We are doing everything for our brother to appear," he emphasized.

Oscar Luis traveled to Mexico in his car. It was revealed that, in mid-June, the police arrested three men who were transporting a person deprived of their freedom in the Cuban's van.

For Kassandra, the arrested kidnappers know what happened to her brother, but, as she mentioned in the interview, they have refused to make any statements whatsoever, claiming to be protected by a supposed human rights law.

"My brother traveled to Mexico in his car, a Toyota Tacoma 2024. The High Impact Prosecutor's Office assures us that my brother's car was seized because it is linked to a kidnapping; that those individuals who are now in prison used my brother's car..." he stated.

Kassandra and Alejandro made a call to the population of Tabasco to help them find Oscar Luis.

I, as a family, as his sister, my brother here present, we appeal to the public, to the people who are watching us right now, to touch their hearts. You who are watching, touch your heart, I know that there is a lot of faith here, good people, with good hearts, and please if you have seen it, if you know something, say it," she pleaded.

"My brother is a family man, a good person, very kind, very loved by all, and he does not deserve what is happening to him, and we as a family, this great pain, neither," he said, while the video showed photographs of Oscar Luis with several relatives.

The Cuban man's family announced that they will give a reward to the "person who, in good faith, and if it is verified to be real, helps us with the whereabouts of our brother. Please join in the pain of this family," Kassandra stated.

Anyone with information about the whereabouts of Oscar Luis Marcos Roso can contact the General Prosecutor's Office's Search Unit at phone number 9933136550, extension 4210.

Oscar Luis has straight, short, and gray hair, dark brown eyes; he is approximately 1.60 meters tall, weighs around 75 kg, and has a birthmark on his right leg, as indicated by a "Missing Person" report disseminated by the Prosecutor's Office. The clothing he was wearing when he went missing in Tenosique is unknown, according to the notice.

Authorities consider that the physical integrity of the Cuban is at risk.

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