Man arrested after attacking another with a machete to steal his motorcycle in Holguín.

Robberies with violence have increased in Cuba.

Motorista en Holguín © Ahora
Driver in HolguínPhoto © Now

A man was arrested after attacking another with a machete in an attempted robbery in downtown Holguín.

The pro-government Facebook profile "Cazador Cazado," affiliated with the Ministry of the Interior, reported that the incident occurred on June 21, around 11:00 p.m., near the city's playground.

According to witnesses, the victim was sitting on his motorcycle talking to another person when he was approached by Octavio Pavón Castañón, who attacked him with a machete.

The attacker tried to steal the victim's motorcycle, gold chains, and cellphone.

Publication inFacebook

However, Pavón Castañón was quickly captured by the authorities, putting an end to his brief escape attempt. Law enforcement acted swiftly and efficiently, ensuring the apprehension of the assailant, the source highlighted.

Robberies with violence have increased on the island, and in the province of Holguín, lamentable cases involving young people have come to light.

Last year, a teenager was attacked with a machete by two individuals who were trying to steal his cell phone, and up to now, the victim is still recovering after a long battle for his life.

Lester Domínguez, this young man who has been in a wheelchair for over a year, asked his dad to take him out of the country because in Cuba there are no conditions for his progress.

Last February, the author of four violent robberies of cell phones from minors in Holguin was arrested by the police, along with his accomplice in one of the crimes, according to official reports.

The robberies occurred that same month, in areas of the Nuevo Llano neighborhood and the El Laberinto park, in the Lenin neighborhood, and in the latest incident, another individual was involved, who "has already been turned over to the authorities," according to a post on the Facebook profile "Realidades desde Holguín," one of the official accounts created by the Cuban regime to improve the image of the Ministry of the Interior and the Police.

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