"The reality of the yuma": Cuban triggers reactions on TikTok.

The idea of the video is for those who do not live here to understand that we are not millionaires, it's also a joke, don't take it the wrong way," he added in response to some comments.

A Cuban user on TikTok, known as @oscarmanuelgarcia52, shared a video that has become a topic of conversation among his followers, in which he satirized the attitude of some newly arrived individuals in the United States who boast about their acquisitions and high standard of living, despite many of these things being financed.

Hey, don't let yourselves be deceived anymore, whether it's because you've been here in the Yuma for a short time, because of a super thick chain, because of an iPhone 15, or because of a brand-new car. That is financed... the one from Vedado, the cousin from Marianao, that is financed, that is a fantasy (...) that doesn't exist yet. You are paying for something in installments that is not yours yet, you gave your down payment, they have your new little toy there and no, it's not yours yet. Don't be fooled anymore... people here are not millionaires, none of that," the user expressed in his video.

The reactions were not long in coming, ranging from acceptance and laughter to criticism. "He reinvented the wheel"; "It's better to pay than to be daydreaming on a street corner"; "Here everything is paid in installments, do you pay in cash?"; "That's how they unchain themselves, they make the first two payments and then stop paying".

In light of the reactions, the creator of the video clarified what his intention was with the post: "The idea of the video is for those who don't live here to understand that we are not millionaires; besides, it's all in good fun, don't take it the wrong way."

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