A young man was found drowned in the Nipe canal in Holguin.

The deceased young man was identified as Alejandro. His death has caused great consternation among family, friends, and acquaintances, who remember him as a good boy, cheerful, and loved by all who knew him.

La muerte de Alejandro ha causado profundo dolor a familiares y amigos © Facebook/Mariolkis Gómez
Alejandro's death has caused deep sorrow to relatives and friends.Photo © Facebook/Mariolkis Gómez

Great consternation among family, friends, and acquaintances has been caused by the death of a young Cuban man, who was found drowned in the Nipe Canal in Holguín this Wednesday.

The tragic event was reported through social media posts, which identified the deceased by the name of Alejandro, but did not provide further details about the circumstances in which he lost his life.

"He was found drowned in the Nipe canal," Mariolkis Gomez reported on her Facebook profile, adding that the body could not be laid out for viewing as many hours had passed since his death.

Facebook screenshot/Mariolkis Gómez

Oh, Malejo, as the boys from the neighborhood used to call you, we are all sad, we mourn your loss. You are such a good guy, Alejandro. Rest in peace, Alejandro, may God have you in glory, my lifelong friend," expressed in another post.

Facebook screenshot/Mariolkis Gómez

Dozens of people, including friends and acquaintances of Alejandro, sent their condolences to his mother Rufina, his sister Kariuska Argota, and the rest of his family; while also remembering Malejo - the nickname by which he was known - as a very kind, cheerful young man who was loved by all.

Screenshot from Facebook/Carmen Rosa Castillo Romero

In one of the posts, his sister Kariuska left a heart-wrenching message: "My brother, you ended our lives, damn it, why did you do this to me, I am lifeless. Oh, my God, what have you done to me damn it. May God have you in glory and take care of you."

Argota made an appeal to young people who, according to her words, tend to consume alcoholic beverages: "Those young guys who engage in drinking, please, listen to the advice of your family and friends," she emphasized. And, although she was not specific about the circumstances that led to Alejandro's death, she then lamented: "My brother, such a good person, now we are suffering."

The young woman thanked her entire neighborhood for supporting her, "I know you will keep it in mind," she stated.

Recently, there have been reports of other cases of drowning deaths in the country. Two young people lost their lives that way last May, on Sardinero Beach in Santiago de Cuba.

A month earlier, the death of a teenager who drowned in a river in the province of Guantánamo caused great distress. The young man was about to start his medical career.

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