Traffic accident near the University of Oriente in Santiago de Cuba leaves two injured

The injured were taken to the Provincial Hospital Saturnino Lora due to the blows they received.

An accident that occurred this Sunday near the student residence of the University of the East, in Santiago de Cuba, left two people injured, who were transferred to the Provincial Hospital Saturnino Lora.

Journalist Yosmany Mayeta reported through Facebook that the incident involved two cars: a white one that collided with a parked black Mercedes Benz. He also indicated that the driver and passenger received several blows as a result of the accident.

According to the communicator, an eyewitness explained that the white car lost control and crashed into the Mercedes, tearing off its bumper.

He pointed out that the witnesses reported that the white car, allegedly belonging to the Poultry Company, overturned several times after the impact. For its part, the Mercedes Benz had a private license plate.

During this Sunday, several traffic accidents occurred in different cities in Cuba.

On Sunday morning, two Moskvitch cars were involved in an accident on the Central Highway in Cuba, resulting in significant damage.

Also in the early hours, a vehicle overturned on the median of Vía Blanca, the road that connects the Cuban capital with Varadero. Fortunately, there were no human casualties in the unfortunate incident.

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