Hialeah, "the most Cuban city in the United States," according to Latinos

The city stood out for its gastronomic offer and the resemblance of the houses to those in Cuba.

Hialeah was positioned as the most Cuban city in the United States, as shared on an account of the Latin community on the social network TikTok.

The city stood out for its gastronomic offer and the similarity of the houses to those in Cuba, they said.

Many houses in Hialeah are fenced in like in Cuba, as pointed out in the recording, which also provides information for those interested in moving to this place.

The Latino Community in the USA states that the rental of a residence is available from 2,000 dollars and the sale from 400,000 dollars.

They also highlight the city's gastronomic offer, where, of course, you can find Cuban food restaurants.

The comments were quick to appear on the video, which has over 31 thousand views.

"The city where Spanish is spoken the most," said an internet user.

Another person stated that it is "beautiful and very expensive, this city is already for millionaires."

An internet user was more extensive in her opinion. "The truth has changed a lot in recent years, the horrible traffic, the cost of living too high, rents through the roof, lack of empathy from people," she said.

Realtor, the website for rental housing in the United States, reports that in this city it is possible to find rental options starting from $1,185. Meanwhile, the average cost of homes in 2024 is $446,500.

A few months ago, the YouTuber Eloy Travel Vlogs, in one of his videos, showed how residents perceive the city of Hialeah and which are the iconic places of this community.

Among the virtues of the fifth largest city in the state of Florida, cited are economic development, the welcoming of Cubans, and the rental and purchase of homes.

However, a report in March by the Univisión television network brought to light other problems that the city faces.

The migration crisis and the high cost of rent have forced many Cubans to choose to sleep in their cars and live on the streets.

Living here has become very difficult, there are more people than jobs,” explained a Cuban who, despite these conditions, stated that he would prefer “to be imprisoned here than to be free in Cuba.”

Esteban Bovo, the mayor of the city, has stated that they are facing an uncontrolled and unforeseen migration crisis. "What we are experiencing at this moment is a perfect storm due to the collapse of the border."

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