Cándido Fabré criticizes the silence in official media regarding the death of the Cuban actor Carlos Massola.

The singer from Original de Manzanillo has not hesitated to assert that Massola deserved "a special mention in the Cuban media."

  • CiberCuba Editing

The singer Cándido Fabré criticized that official press media and cultural authorities in Cuba have ignored the death of the actor Carlos Massola, and emphasized that regardless of political opinions, it should have been done out of respect for his career and his family.

There is no goodbye for the immortal. Beyond political opinions, the actor, "el gordo Massola", deserves a separate mention in Cuban media, especially in cultural matters, out of respect for his family and artistic career," Fabré wrote this Wednesday on Facebook.

The people feel such indifference. To honor, honors. There are many here who are neither refined nor newsworthy and end up in the news. It's enough already," added the artist.

Beyond his opinion, which many of his followers praised and supported, the disconcerting thing is that the singer from Original de Manzanillo accompanied his text with a photo of himself alongside the spy Gerardo Hernández.

Facebook screenshot/Cándido Fabré

Some believe that he made a mistake in selecting the photo for his message, but others consider it to be too obvious of an error not to notice it at the same time, so the mystery remains.

There have been those who have advised Fabré to tell Gerardo, a government representative in the CDR sphere, that errors like the lack of information about Massola should stop happening in Cuba.

"You should tell that to the person you have by your side," declared an internet user.

"The photo doesn't match the message, unless you direct it at him," another commentator pointed out.

At the moment, there is no response to Fabré's slip-up.

In the latest news, the Cuban activist Yamilka Laffita, known on social media as "Lara Crofs," proposed that the date of the death of actor Carlos Massola be declared as "Day of the Dissident Artist."

The wretched, deafening silence maintained by the island's establishment did not serve them at all. Their tremendous lack of humanity and tact towards one of their sons, who gave so much to this people through his art, has made him immortal," Laffita wrote this Wednesday in an emotional post on social media.

The activist suggested that from now on, July 3rd should be considered in Cuba as Dissident Artist Day in tribute to Carlos Massola.

The people should come together once again to honor Carlos, an artist, yes, but also a Cuban of these times," Laffita concluded, in a proposal that has gone viral on social media in a matter of hours.

The death of actor Carlos Massola, who in recent years raised his voice on numerous occasions against the Cuban government, was completely ignored by the authorities of Culture on the island.

So far, no official Cuban cultural institution has echoed the actor's death on their social media profiles.

Neither the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC), nor the Ministry of Culture (MINCULT), nor the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television (ICRT), nor the Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry (ICAIC) spoke out about the artist's death.

The cultural news programs on television and the print media have also not made any reference to the unfortunate incident.

In the midst of the prevailing official silence following the death of Carlos Massola, the Assembly of Cuban Filmmakers published a timid text this Thursday, more than 24 hours after his passing, in which they lamented the death of the artist while resorting to euphemisms to refer to the actor's political rebellion.

Despite the silence in official circles, Massola has not lacked recognition and the spontaneous homage of many of his colleagues, nor the affection of the people, who have appreciated the courage of the actor in expressing his political ideas uncensored.

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