Relatives ask for help to find an elderly man who went missing in Havana.

Family members of the man said that they filed a report with the relevant authorities.

Desaparecido en Cuba © Facebook/Yanet Matias
Missing in Cuba.Photo © Facebook/Yanet Matias

An elderly Cuban man with dementia has been missing for two days in Havana, as reported by relatives in various Facebook groups.

The man responds to the name of Agustín and resides in the village of Calabazar.

Facebook screenshot/Yanet Matías

His family is worried and is looking for him. The report has already been filed with the relevant authorities, but a little help from friends wouldn't hurt," they mention in the publication.

Relatives request that any information be communicated to the following numbers: (+53) 58 874 308, (+53) 55 599 884, (+53) 54 064 325, and (+53) 53 243 199.

No further details about Agustín's disappearance were revealed, nor any other information that could help in the search for the elderly man, such as the clothing he was wearing the last time he was seen, or where he was headed when he left his house.

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