Santiago de Cuba pitcher escapes facial fracture after a strong blow by a baseball.

The injury was only on the upper lip and there were no major complications. The player remains under observation in the Neurology Ward of the Provincial Hospital Saturnino Lora.

  • Translation: CiberCuba Editorial

Lanzador Wilber Reina © Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada
Pitcher Wilber ReinaPhoto © Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

Pitcher Wilber Reina of the Santiago de Cuba Wasps continues in the recovery process and tests did not show any fractures in his face after receiving a strong hit by a pitch during the seventh game of the playoff against the Industriales Lions in the National Baseball Series.

The update on the case was reported by the independent journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada, who emphasized that "the injury was only on the upper lip" and there were no "major complications."

Fortunately, he did not suffer any fractures due to the incident, as stated by the presenter on his Facebook page in response to the constant messages from fans eager to know about the condition of the spirited pitcher.

Facebook post/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

The baseball player is in stable condition, they are observing him in the Neurology Ward, on the third floor of the Provincial Hospital (Saturnino Lora)," he added when quoting one of his sources at the medical center.

He also stated that after investigating whether he had any injuries to his teeth, the response also brought good news: "No, not even the teeth, there was no trauma, nor neurological either, just the impact of the ball."

Reina received a blow to the face on Saturday night during the fifth inning of the game against Industriales at Guillermón Moncada Stadium. She collapsed on the mound, although she did not lose consciousness.

Immediately, the athlete was transferred to the emergency room of the aforementioned hospital, but he was always stable and out of danger, under observation.

Finally, Industriales defeated Santiago de Cuba 4-2 and qualified for the semifinals of the championship on the island, thanks to a historic and unprecedented comeback in the postseason stage.

After losing the first three games in the so-called "national classic," the capital team achieved a feat never before accomplished in the country: winning four consecutive duels in the postseason after being 0-3.

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