Cuban denounces the lack of coffin and transportation for a deceased family member.

It happened in the municipality of Buey Arriba, in the province of Granma.

Cadáver de cubano fallecido en Buey Arriba, en la provincia Granma © Facebook/Olenmis Miranda Sevilla
Corpse of a deceased Cuban found in Buey Arriba, in the province of GranmaPhoto © Facebook/Olenmis Miranda Sevilla

A Cuban woman reported on Wednesday the lack of a coffin and transportation for a deceased family member. Although in the initial report Olenmis Mirando did not specify the location where it occurred, in subsequent posts she clarified that it happened in the town of La Estrella, in the municipality of Buey Arriba, Granma.

My friends, help me share this post. My uncle has been dead since yesterday. He's bloating, he has a strong smell, and there is no coffin or transportation to bury him. Help me," wrote Olenmis alongside a photo showing a body covered with a sheet and some flowers on top, in what seems to be the entrance of a house.

Facebook screenshot/Olenmis Miranda Sevilla

Four hours after the report, in the comments section of the same post, the woman updated that the situation had already been "resolved," but a power outage had prevented her from notifying earlier.

"My little old man is resting peacefully now," she concluded.

Facebook screenshot/Olenmis Miranda Sevilla

In another more recent publication, the accuser thanked those who were concerned about the case and specified that her uncle committed suicide, something for which she held the social worker who was attending to him responsible, as she was forcing him to live alone under the threat that if they did not take away his checkbook.

The complainant also explained that her uncle had visual and arm disabilities.

Screenshot from Facebook/Olenmis Miranda Sevilla

In a third text, Miranda Sevilla denied that her accusations were false and clarified that she was not someone who "published falsehoods" and that the reported incidents occurred in the rural village of La Estrella, in Buey Arriba, Granma.

Facebook screenshot / Olenmis Miranda Sevilla.

The complaint about problems transporting a corpse, in this case in the province of Granma, took place on the same day that a young woman from a hospital in Havana pleaded for help to have her deceased husband's body transported. He passed away shortly before 2 o'clock in the morning on Wednesday, and his mortal remains were still awaiting a vehicle from the Legal Medicine department past 10 in the morning, more than nine hours after his death.

Also in that case, the complaint was resolved, but after a burden of helplessness and an agonizing wait that makes the loss even more painful.

In the comments section of that complaint, dozens of internet users reacted with a mix of indignation and sadness, and several described it as a "lack of respect" that one cannot even find peace in death in Cuba.

It is a recurring conclusion in light of several similar situations reported in recent months, one of the most recent and striking being the lack of a hearse to transport the deceased actor Carlos Massola, a vehicle that in this case the family waited for more than seven hours.

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