"I'm going to keep stealing," says thief of a gas cylinder from a house in Santiago de Cuba.

The man claimed in a video that he is family of "La Johnson".

A man who was recently arrested amid a great commotion after being caught stealing a gas cylinder in a house in Santiago de Cuba, stated that he will continue stealing, and claimed that he is a relative of "La Johnson," that is, of Beatriz Johnson Urrutia, First Secretary of the Communist Party of that province.

In a video sent to journalist Yosmany Mayeta -who had previously made the complaint public- the individual, who identified himself as Luis Vinent Zamora (alias "Cajón"), boasted and stated that La Johnson will get him out of jail as many times as necessary.

"Johnson, who is part of my family, she is going to take me out to the street," he stated.

"I demand Santiago de Cuba authorities, 'La Johnson', Manuel Falcón Hernández, provincial governor; the Ministry of the Interior, and every organization responsible for ensuring public tranquility to properly judge these criminals, to comply with Cuban laws," demanded the communicator.

Mayeta Labrada added, "It is not fair for individuals who are repeat offenders in criminal acts and who confess to them to be released after being captured by everyday people," and that a fine, a warning letter, or any other mild sanction cannot be a punishment for these people.

In the final segment of his publication, Yosmany Mayeta Labrada demanded that it be sought and investigated whether it is true that this gentleman has any relationship with the Secretary of the PCC, and that the level of complicity she has with actions affecting the common Cuban be analyzed.

It was last Sunday that, with the help of neighbors, the police arrested Luis Vinent Zamora, who tried to steal a gas cylinder from a house in the city center.

Mayeta's report on the incident included a video of the moment when the man was captured inside his own home, where he hid after being caught red-handed stealing a gas cylinder from a house on Carnicería Street, between San Carlos and Santa Rosa.

The person who sent the pictures claimed it was the second time the individual had stolen a gas canister.

Upon realizing he was being followed, the individual -who was armed with a knife- dropped the cylinder and headed home, where he was eventually caught by the police amidst great excitement from neighbors and passersby, who were shouting "thief" and "shameless", among other insults.

In addition to the lack of basic necessities and the rampant inflation in one of the worst economic crises that the country has experienced, Cubans also face an unprecedented surge in crime across the country, with robberies, assaults, and violent crimes almost daily.

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