They ask for help for a Cuban mother who lost everything in the fire at her home in Miami.

The young Cuban woman is the mother of a girl who is only six years old.

The TikToker Dairon Cano asked for help for a young Cuban mother residing in South Florida who lost everything after the kitchen of the house where she was renting with her young daughter caught on fire.

The young woman -identified on TikTok as "Suanny Daimy"- explained that she was cooking and that she went to the bathroom for a moment to urinate, and shortly after, her six-year-old daughter came running and shouting, "Mom, fire, fire!".

When I ran out, the fire was already on the kitchen roof. Everything got burnt, we were left without clothes... I lost everything," added Suanny, who did not provide further details on what could have caused the fire.

The young woman lamented that just nine days ago they were living in that rental because before she and her daughter lived in an efficiency.

"I was able to gather the money to rent myself an apartment, which of course is everyone's dream. We were there from day 1," she detailed. The young woman added that for now the girl is with her dad, who came right away and took her. She explained that they had to give the girl sleeping medication because she was very traumatized."

Suanny explains that her daughter got upset and scared when she saw the way she looked, and she says that she has not wanted to show her the conditions in which the house was left, a second floor in a location that was not specified in the video.

Dairon Cano asked his extensive network of followers on TikTok to help the young lady and her daughter with whatever they can, whether it's with a peso or with a plate and a spoon, as they lost everything: bed, television, clothes, pots, everything was burnt to a crisp.

The purpose would be to help her move forward again and be able to have "a little income and her things again," noted the popular TikToker, who has more than 438,000 followers.

In the comments section, dozens of internet users asked how to help the young woman, while some specified different types of offers.

A young woman said that at the hotel where she works they are changing everything, and that she could go there to pick up drawers and other furniture, while another internet user literally offered her to stay at her house.

What do you think?


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