A Cuban man advises against Miami for newcomers: "The Cubans who are arriving are very mistaken."

Cuban in the United States: "Miami is not for newcomers."

A Cuban from the United States used his TikTok platform to send a message to newcomers and advise them not to start their new life in the country in Miami. A video in which he also criticizes the behaviors and expectations with which many Cubans arrive in the United States.

The user, identified as @maykol.ledesma, claims that people who come to the United States arrive with the wrong idea. "Cubans, when they arrive, say 'I'm going to live in Miami', because they think everything else is countryside and they don't want to live there. Miami is very nice, but it is not for newcomers," says @maykol.ledesma. He also mentions that many arrive not only with the intention of settling in the City of the Sun but also to acquire expensive materials. An attitude that, according to him, is wrong.

The Cuban who comes to this country says he is going to have the latest iPhone. Madam or sir, what did you have in Cuba? You had a Nokia and it was not great. What are you complaining about? emphasizes, criticizing the mentality of those who prioritize acquiring luxuries such as smartphones and high-end vehicles.

The TikToker also warns about the economic difficulties that may arise from making imprudent financial decisions. "To top it off, they arrive in this country and the first thing they do is buy a car on credit. The latest car, and then, how do you pay for this car? You don't have the means to pay for that car. In Cuba, you didn't even have a bicycle," he argues, suggesting that newcomers should focus more on financial stability and helping their families in Cuba, instead of pursuing a luxurious lifestyle from the beginning.

For @maykol.ledesma, the key to success in the United States does not lie in living in Miami or owning luxury goods, but in seeking opportunities in other states and focusing on more practical and sustainable goals. "We come to this country not to seek luxury, but to seek stability and money to help our people in Cuba. Forget about iPhones, cars, and Miami. Try your luck in other states. This is a piece of advice I want to give you. The Cubans who are arriving are very mistaken," he concludes in his message.

This video reemphasizes the debate happening on social media about the advantages and disadvantages of living in Miami compared to other places in the United States.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor for CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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