Cuban in the USA: "I don't have a new car or brand-name clothes, but my loved ones can never lack anything."

"It's not my case, they settle for whatever I can give them," he clarified in response to someone who lamented that many in Cuba do not appreciate the support or sacrifices of others.

Along with a short video where she is seen preparing bags with food for her family, a young Cuban woman in the United States made it clear that her priority is the well-being of her loved ones.

In the video, which has quickly captured attention on social media, the user @tubbexita wrote: "I don't have a new car or brand-name clothes, but my loved ones can't lack anything," a phrase that reflects that, despite not having luxuries, she makes sure that her family receives everything they need.

"That's the way to do it"; "Very well done"; "Blessings to you in particular, this is how it's done"; "Wise words"; "The great satisfaction that comes from helping your own is priceless, period"; "I am the same way, I have no life, everything is for my son, blessings, until I bring him"; "How great, worthy of admiration"; "I am here in Mexico preparing a box to send"; "Congratulations beautiful compatriot, beautiful attitude, a thousand blessings, here is a new follower"; "A woman worth a thousand"; "Many blessings and congratulations to you, and may God allow you every day of this life to do what you do for your family, which is the most important thing one has"; "Hopefully you continue to be so humble and move forward with your people"; "That's how I am every month, blessings"; "No one can imagine the joy of being in Cuba and receiving one of those little bags, such simple and basic things, many people die without getting to eat most of those things, blessings to you"; "Admirable since nowadays humanity wants to seem like more than we can and we leave behind what we actually have because of pure crap, blessings to you, fortunate the man who has you," many applauded her attitude.

Faced with a comment from a user lamenting that many on the island do not appreciate the help, he did not hesitate to reply, "That's why I do everything I do for my own, because it's not my case, they are content with what I can give them."

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