The cemetery of Sancti Spíritus remains abandoned to its fate: "Province in 26"

Since January of last year, the population of Sancti Spíritus has been reporting that the government has abandoned the cemeteries in the province.

Cementerio de Sancti Spíritus © Facebook / Adis Menese
Cemetery of Sancti SpíritusPhoto © Facebook / Adis Menese

The provincial cemetery of Sancti Spíritus is in total neglect, with open or destroyed graves and overrun by weeds.

The fate of the cemetery does not change, even though the province is the venue for the celebrations for July 26, a distinction granted to the territory with the "best results" of the year, denounced on Facebook by user Adis Menese, a resident of the locality.

Since January of last year, the population of Sancti Spíritus has been reporting that the government has neglected the cemeteries in the province.

Facebook post

In the list of problems, they pointed out the deterioration of tombs and vaults, the theft of funeral objects and flowers, the overgrowth in the areas, the presence of remains of coffins, the accumulation of garbage, and the shortage of cement to properly close the niches.

The cemeteries where the most complaints were reported were those in the provincial capital, Jatibonico, Banao, and Guayos.

The one in the city of Sancti Spíritus, located in the area known as Kilo 12, claimed to have an unpleasant appearance due to the deterioration of the tombs, lack of paint, and dirt.

The government claims that it lacks the necessary resources to perform its functions properly. Victoria Fernández, the administrator of the Kilo 12 cemetery, stated that in addition to the scarce resources, they do not have the necessary labor force to carry out all the required tasks in the facility.

The population claims that these problems in the cemeteries are not new; they have existed for several years, not only in Sancti Spíritus but in all provinces of the country.

The comments on Menese's post state that "This is how all of Cuba is", "If they aren't interested in the living, what can we expect for the dead", "All the cemeteries in the country are the same".

"Very sadly, I went to my parents' grave and to my great surprise and pain, the small cement box containing my mother's remains had been stolen. I paid a colleague who works there to collect them and put them in a bag until I could buy another to store them again. In this country, they don't even respect the dead," another internet user stated.

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