Latina confiesa su mayor desafío tras llegar a Estados Unidos: "La gente se piensa que aquí es fácil y no"

A young Dominican woman has shared on TikTok her difficult experience in trying to adapt to adult life in the United States, highlighting loneliness and the challenges of making friends.

A young Dominican woman has opened up on TikTok by sharing her life experience in the United States, revealing the difficulties she faces in trying to adapt and make friends in a new country. In her video, @florangelji expresses her frustration with adult life in the United States, and her message has resonated with many immigrants who share similar feelings.

"For the people living in the United States, why doesn't anyone tell you that adulthood is so hard here?" she begins to say in her video, which quickly garnered thousands of views and comments. The young woman shares that she has been going to the gym in the United States for a year and hasn't found anyone to talk to like a friend, longing to have a gym partner to share her workout routine with.

Additionally, he mentions how complicated it has been to make friends in general. "It's hard to make friends in the United States," he confesses. When comparing it to his life in the Dominican Republic, he recounts that he had high expectations about the friendships he would make and the adventures he would have with them. "When I lived in the Dominican Republic, I had expectations of the friends I would have, that I would travel with them... People think it's easy here, but it's not."

Many users shared their own experiences of loneliness and adaptation in a foreign country.

"I confirm, it's the same everywhere, if they talk to you it's only because they need something and that's it," "I'm 3 years old and have 0 friends," "Here, they only use you for their convenience," or "Don't worry, I've been here for 8 years and I don't have a single dog that barks at me, and my life was so social before coming," are some of the comments that can be seen alongside Flor's video.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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Izabela Pecherska

Izabela Pecherska

CiberCuba editor. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.