A young person says that living in Miami is exhausting for women

A young Venezuelan woman shares the exhaustion she feels due to the pressure of maintaining high beauty standards in Miami.

A young Venezuelan woman shared in a TikTok video the exhaustion she feels due to the beauty standards that prevail in Miami.

In her video, the user @gigiradicic expresses the pressure she feels to maintain a perfect appearance on a daily basis.

Living in Miami as a woman is exhausting. You always have to be mindful of having perfect makeup, straight hair without frizz, ensuring you don't have oily skin...", she comments in the video, which has accumulated thousands of views.

"If you are a 7 or an 8 in Miami, anywhere else in the world you are a 10," he adds, thus saying that someone who considers themselves above average in beauty in the city of the Sun, could be considered more attractive in other parts of the world.

"I confirm, and keeping hair frizz-free in this weather is a challenge," commented a user in response to these statements.

And you, what do you think about this? Is it exhausting to be a woman in Miami?

What is your opinion?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Writer at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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