Yulién Oviedo blames the leaders for the migration exodus in Cuba: “Poor management and misery”

The musician reacted to a post on Instagram by CiberCuba.

Yulién Oviedo © Redes sociales
Yulién OviedoPhoto © Social networks

Yulién Oviedo has reacted to the official data shared by the regime in the recent meeting of its parliamentarians, which shows how the population of the island has decreased by more than 10% in the last three years.

"And each day there will be fewer of us in Cuba, until there is no one left, due to the poor management by their plump leaders and the misery that the average Cuban is condemned to live," commented the musician in an Instagram post by CiberCuba.


Yulién's opinion was supported by many remarks stating that “it won't go down anymore, because most people don't have the money or the means to do so” or “what did they expect?” and “that's not news.” People agreed on an alarming issue facing Cuban society.

In the third ordinary session of the National Assembly of People's Power, the deputy head of the National Office of Statistics and Information (ONEI), Juan Carlos Alfonso Fraga, acknowledged that by the end of 2023, the "effective population" of Cuba stands at 10,055,968 citizens, but in 2024 it will be less than 10 million.

The current population level is similar to what Cuba had in 1985. The official did not specify since what year this has been happening, but noted that the natural growth in the country is negative, meaning that more people are dying than are being born, and this phenomenon is not new.

On the other hand, the migratory balance on the island is also negative, as at least 1,011,269 people left the country during the assessed period.

This trend has important implications for the Cuban economy and society, affecting everything from the labor market to the provision of social services.

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