A car collides with a motorcycle near the Antonio Maceo Square in Santiago de Cuba.

The incident, which occurred near the Plaza de la Revolución Antonio Maceo, left at least one person injured.

A regrettable accident occurred this Sunday in the vicinity of the Antonio Maceo Revolution Square in Santiago de Cuba, involving a modern car and a motorcycle.

The journalist Yosmany Mayeta pointed out on Facebook that the car collided with a motorcycle and shared some images showing the result of the collision.

Facebook Capture / Yosmany Mayeta

Mayeta made another post informing that the motorist's health condition was serious.

Several internet users pointed out that the traffic light at that dangerous intersection did not work all day, thus increasing the risk of accidents in the area.

Another traffic accident occurred this Sunday at the intersection of Calvario and San Francisco streets in the historic center of Santiago de Cuba, leaving multiple injured.

Facebook Capture / Yosmany Mayeta

The journalist Mayeta reported on Facebook that the accident occurred between a bus and a small truck carrying a coffin in the back, leaving several injured, who were taken to the hospitals in the city.

Recently, a car from the Metal Shaping Company (Profix) in Santiago de Cuba crashed into a motorbike, causing significant damage to the electric motorcycle.

Facebook Capture / Yosmany Mayeta

The accident occurred on Victoriano Garzón Avenue and the entrance to Calle K, in the Sueño neighborhood of Santiago de Cuba, according to a report by Mayeta on her Facebook profile.

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