The reaction of a Cuban when trying his daughter-in-law's Mexican sweets goes viral: "I can't."

A viral video on TikTok shows a Cuban trying Mexican candies that his daughter-in-law introduced to him.

In a funny video shared on TikTok, a Cuban from the capital municipality of San Miguel del Padrón shows his reaction to trying Mexican candies that his daughter-in-law offered him.

The video, titled "My Father-in-Law Trying My Mexican Sweets," has gone viral on the platform, capturing the attention of thousands of viewers due to the man's reaction after eating the sweets, which apparently are quite spicy.

The video, published by the TikTok account @familiacubanmex, shows a fun family moment that has been captured for memory's sake.

Above all, the expression on the father-in-law's face when tasting the sweets reflects a mix of surprise and curiosity, while his daughter-in-law, who is heard laughing, watches his facial expressions closely.

The scene is a beautiful example of how food can serve as a bridge between cultures, generating conversations and creating shared memories.

The daughter-in-law, by sharing part of her culture through these sweets, not only introduces new flavors to her in-laws but also strengthens family bonds.

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Yare Grau

Originally from Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Valencia. I am currently part of the CiberCuba team as a writer in the Entertainment section.

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