Deported Cuban from Sweden shares how he's doing on the island.

"I am a warrior": Cuban deported from Sweden shares how life is going for him on the island.

A Cuban who had been living in Sweden for more than 13 years and was deported to the island presumably for not updating his identity document in the Nordic country, has reported that in Cuba he is working and focused on moving forward.

The young man -identified on social media as "Sentelemald"- explained that he is working in a paint factory while also pursuing his music project, which is something he has been excited about since he lived in Sweden.

At the same time, Sentelemald -who has two children born in Sweden- has an ongoing legal process that allows him to return to the country where he lived for more than a decade.

"I'm focused on my music, on my projects, calm with my family. Committed to my own and just waiting for 'the process'… I don’t know how long it will take, but waiting for 'the process'," he stated in a video he posted a few days ago on TikTok.

He added that now in August he will receive the visit on the island of his two-year-old son and the child's mother.

"I was deported to Cuba, but I have always been a warrior and I am not going to stop fighting," he wrote alongside another of his videos, where he was seen promoting the painting of the place where he works.

"Remember that nothing is impossible in this life, as long as you want it and fight for it. From here in Cuba, no matter what things I am going through, I will always get up from wherever I am and go out to fight for what is mine without harming anyone, without stealing anything from anyone, without getting involved in anyone's life," he indicated in another motivational reflection less than a week ago.

The young Cuban receives the support of many of his followers, who celebrate that he is focused and working. Support that he appreciates by personally responding to those who leave encouraging messages on the aforementioned social network.

Before his deportation -which occurred in mid-May- the young Cuban shared several videos in which he denied that he was not working, that he had a criminal record, and other speculations of all kinds that had been thrown at him by internet users who perceived something odd about his situation.

One of his clarifications revolved around the reason why he didn't escape to another European country, as some suggested. He said that would have put him on the Swedish police's blacklist the very next second after fleeing, and he indicated that it was a path he was not going to take.

All the time, he has defended the right to be with his young son, whom he has now been forced to leave behind.

Sentelemald has shared his story -as he has stated- to warn other migrants about how strict the laws are in Sweden and the importance of always having identification documents in order.

He previously mentioned that he stopped updating his paperwork due to being involved in a legal process to regain shared custody of his older son, who is eight years old, something that required a great deal of effort and money, which distracted him and had consequences in his private life.

Previously, Sentelemald mentioned that upon his return to Cuba, he would try to launch his music career and noted that he would take on the challenge of returning to the island with optimism, and it seems he is succeeding.

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