Cuban who just arrived in the United States cries because he wants to work: "He just arrived with the parole a week ago."

A newly arrived Cuban in the U.S. touches hearts on TikTok as he cries about wanting to work after a week with a parole.

An emotional video on TikTok is moving the Cuban community. In the clip, a Cuban is crying because he wants to work after a week of living in the United States.

"He didn't know that I was recording him. Poor thing, he just arrived with the parole a week ago and already wants to work," comments @solgianlucas, who records her relative in tears.

The scene reflects the emotions of immigrants upon arriving in a new country, facing uncertainty and the determination to build a better future.

The response from users has been overwhelmingly positive, with messages of encouragement and solidarity for the man and his family.

"Tell him to take it easy, this is little by little, but that's the attitude," "Poor thing, he will find it soon, at least he has the motivation," "Come on man, this is a tough process, especially for someone who has always worked," or "Don't worry, your work will come, God's timing is perfect, and remember it's not our timing but God's." These are some of the comments seen alongside the video.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduate in Journalism from King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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