Cuban in the USA defends Cubans returning to the island: "It's for our children, many of us are in that situation."

Cuban in the USA responds to criticism for wanting to return to the island after receiving residency.

A Cuban mother in the United States could not hold back her tears after reading a comment on TikTok telling her that she should not return to the island, where she still has her children.

It was the user @nathyy.zaldivar.t who moved many with her video in which she talks about the difficult decision to leave her children in Cuba while she emigrates in search of a better future for them. She explains that her main reason for returning to Cuba is the well-being of her children, despite also having her parents on the island.

"We have to return to Cuba for our children, we have our parents there but the main reason is them. No one should tell me that I shouldn't have left them because we make the sacrifice for them. My kids, one is 5 and the other is 10. I have told my children that if they want me to come back, I will, and they tell me, 'Don't come back because if not, we will always live the same way.' They are waiting for me to bring them. They know what is being lived through," she says emotionally.

"None of you tell me that I am a bad mother because I left my children because many of us are in that situation and we make the sacrifice for our children. So that they can grow up and when they have their own children, they won’t have to separate from them to give them a better future," she adds.

In her words, the mother recounts how she has spoken with her children about the possibility of returning and how they, with maturity, have asked her not to do so.

The video has generated a wave of comments and reactions on social media, highlighting the bravery and sacrifice of many Cuban parents who face heart-wrenching decisions to ensure a better future for their children.

This testimony highlights the difficult reality of many Cuban families and the strength of those who fight for a better future for their loved ones, even at the cost of painful separations.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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