Blackouts for this Friday in Cuba due to a deficit of 403 MW: "Not even July 26 we escaped!"

"Not even the wizards of the UNE could eliminate the deficit on National Rebellion Day. It's a miracle that the formula of our prosperous socialism has failed today."

Vela encendida en medio de apagón en Cuba (Imagen referencial) © CiberCuba
Lit candle amidst blackout in Cuba (Referential image)Photo © CiberCuba

The Electric Union (UNE) of Cuba announced blackouts for this Friday, shattering hopes that, due to it being a historic date for the regime, the people could at least spend the day with electricity.

But those who had that idea were naive. In its daily report, the UNE forecasts a morning and midday without incidents, but for the peak hour, a capacity of 2667 MW is estimated with a maximum demand of 3000 MW, resulting in a deficit of 333 MW and an impact of 403 MW.

"It surprised me that today the 26th there is a deficit; that makes me think that things are not very good," ironized an elderly resident in the United States.

According to UNE, service was affected the previous day due to a generation capacity deficit for 16 hours, from 9:48 am to 1:14 am this Friday.

Facebook Capture / Electric Union UNE

At this moment, only unit 2 of the Felton thermoelectric plant is out of service due to a malfunction, and block 1 of the Santa Cruz CTE is under maintenance.

In addition, there are limitations in thermal generation, which amount to 505 MW, plus 53 distributed generation plants that are not operating due to a lack of fuel, resulting in a total of 318 MW affected.

The shortage of fuel and the deterioration of the power plants do not allow the regime to return to its misleading habit of not scheduling power outages on specific days.

"Ah, look, even the statistical wizards of the UNE couldn't eliminate the deficit today, on National Rebellion Day. A divine miracle that the formula of our prosperous and sustainable socialism has failed today," commented a young man.

"They have been using that strategy for a while now on significant dates, remember 11J, during the day there is nothing, and by evening you see everything calm, take what is yours. It’s the same here; you must celebrate the date during the day, and if no inconvenience arises that doesn't suit them, by night, take what is yours. They are not foolish; if they don't take it away, what would be the excuse for not doing it tomorrow or the day after? They are no longer interested in the country’s commemorative dates," explained a freelancer.

"A different summer, without food and without electricity, there is no respect. They have us for 10 months without electricity claiming that there will be no blackouts in the summer, and look at this," pointed out a Santiago resident.

"The lack of shame of this government no longer surprises. 'Not even on July 26 do we escape!' questioned a housewife."

"When does summer start in Cuba according to UNE's account?" questioned a manzanillero.

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