A Cuban sparks controversy with his criticism of those who boast about living in Miami: "Stop the bragging."

In the comments, some reproached him for his tone...

A Cuban, who according to the description of his videos lives in Lakeland, has generated intense debate and a clash of opinions on TikTok with his emphatic reaction towards those who boast about living in Miami.

On the internet, the user, @lachiwow, has generated a great uproar with his video in which he harshly criticizes those who boast about living in Miami. He energetically expressed his fatigue with the constant comparisons that some people make between Miami and other areas.

"How tired these people make me when they say no 'because Miami is Miami and the rest are green areas,'" this Cuban starts his video, sounding so emphatic that he seems angry and almost shouting from a car.

In his video, he not only criticized the people who brag about living in Miami but also mentioned what he sees as traits that reveal their real living conditions.

"Many seem to live in a rat trap, they have 25 doors in one house, yes because they have 50 efficiencies in one house and so you're living in a tiny room like this... stop the old nonsense," he said.

In addition, he mentioned that, despite appearances, many cannot afford a high standard of living.

Given the density of ideas per second and their passion for defending them, users reacted with vigorous and diverse comments: "In Miami, you live if you can. If not, you criticize. I love you Miami"; "I live in Miami and of course tomorrow I'm flying with Spirit," commented one user, while another added: "Miami is Miami and the rest are green areas"; "Miami will be Miami but there's no one living there right now because everything is through the roof"; "Miami is for the tough, those who don’t criticize"; "There are better cities than Miami, but some like to show off"; "Many live in Miami but can’t even enjoy the city"; "The reality of Miami is different for each person, some love it and others hate it," can be found among the hundreds of comments sparked by their words.

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