Latina reveals her difficulty in finding a partner for being beautiful: "Don't be led by appearances."

The young woman has gone viral for expressing how difficult it is for her to find a partner.

In a video that has gone viral on TikTok with over 23 million views, young Latina Michelle Peint expresses how difficult it is for her to find a partner because she is "pretty."

In the reflection shared on the social media, @michellepeint begins by saying: "I want to talk about how difficult it is for me to find a partner while being pretty."

The young woman explains that many men avoid approaching her due to her appearance, with some telling her that she seems "unreachable." She also mentions that they often assume her Instagram is full of messages from admirers, both men and women.

"When a man approaches me, they tend to be too shy or nervous," she adds, clarifying that although many think she receives constant compliments, that is not the case.

The TikToker reflects on why many beautiful women end up with men who are not considered as attractive. According to her, these men have more self-confidence and self-love, which allows them to overcome the initial barrier of approaching an attractive woman.

Finally, the young woman calls on all men not to be intimidated by appearances and to dare to talk to the cute girls they like. "They will decide whether to give you a chance or not," she concludes.

The video has generated a large number of views and comments on TikTok.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduate in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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