Homeless Cuban hits hotel employee in Miami Beach and threatens to assault her.

The attacker was identified as Deibbys Cardoso Rodríguez, 30 years old and from Cienfuegos. The police indicate that he has a long criminal history.

Deibbys Cardoso Rodríguez © Correcciones de Miami-Dade
Deibbys Cardoso RodríguezPhoto © Miami-Dade Corrections

A Cuban was arrested for hitting a hotel worker in Miami Beach several times, in addition to exposing his genitals and threatening to rape her.

The aggressor was identified as Deibbys Cardoso Rodríguez, a 30-year-old man from Cienfuegos who has nowhere to live.

The events occurred last Monday, shortly after midnight. According to the Police, Cardoso Rodríguez arrived at the Catalina Hotel and Beach Club, located at 1732 Collins Avenue, and asked to use the computers. He was told that they were for employees only, but he sat down to use them anyway and accessed a pornography website.

When the employee approached him, he hit her in the face and then did so two more times when she followed him outside. Then he pulled down his pants to show her his genitals and asked her "if she wanted him to rape her and if she wanted more from him."

After receiving the report, the officers went to the scene and captured the attacker in the area. When he was detained and searched, they found a bag in his pocket that allegedly contained crack/cocaine.

When questioned, Cardoso Rodríguez refused to identify himself and claimed the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution (No person shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself), although he did not resist arrest.

Authorities indicate that he has "a lengthy criminal record."

Records show that last May he was charged with resisting an officer without using violence against him, for which he was granted a bail of 500 dollars.

In August 2023, he was arrested for possession with intent to use drug paraphernalia, and he had to pay $1,000.

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