Pothole turns into a children's swimming pool in Cuba.

The current economic crisis in Cuba leaves images like this: a huge pothole turned into a pool.

Bache se convierte en una piscina © Facebook / TODO DE CUBA!!! / Lemay Jimenez
Pothole turns into a swimming poolPhoto © Facebook / EVERYTHING ABOUT CUBA!!! / Lemay Jimenez

An image of a huge pothole turned into a pool in Cuba has circulated on social media, generating outrage among internet users, who criticize that the deplorable state of public roads creates scenes that seem straight out of a fictional novel.

Lemay Jiménez shared this Sunday in the Facebook group "TODO DE CUBA!!!" the controversial photograph with a short message: "come to Cuba, enjoy its natural pools."

The content shows children playing in a pothole used as a pool. This may pose health and safety risks. It is recommended not to replicate these practices and to ensure the well-being of the minors.

Facebook Capture / EVERYTHING ABOUT CUBA!!! / Lemay Jimenez

The image shows at least four children in the makeshift pool, while in the distance, other little ones can be seen who will presumably join the game. However, the shared text does not provide information about the exact location of the huge water-filled pothole.

The publication has generated numerous reactions among users. Many argue that allowing children to play in a puddle full of water reflects an irresponsible attitude on the part of the parents.

Several internet users pointed out the health risks that this practice poses for children, who are exposed to various diseases. They also recalled that this environment can contain bacteria, dangerous objects, or be unsafe due to traffic.

Others questioned the authenticity of the image, considering it unlikely for something like that to happen on a Cuban street; however, it is not the first time a pothole has turned into an improvised swimming pool.

In April, what started as a small pothole ended up being a pool where the children from Cerro in Havana enjoy their school break.

"When you feel bad, think that this started as a small pothole in the Cerro and today it has reached the status of Recreation Center 'Bachecitos del Futuro' for the enjoyment of the little ones during their break week," the profile LaSai Dela Vida joked on Facebook.

Something similar happened some time ago when a young Cuban enjoyed his "private pool" on a street in Havana, thanks to a large sewer outlet that was uncovered by the authorities and helped him cool off on the hot Caribbean afternoons.

"Spectacular pool day. Thank you God for these unique moments, crazy flow fu**er 2022," he posted on Facebook, along with a video that has caused hilarious comments from his friends.

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