Cuban opposition figure José Daniel Ferrer turns 54 in Mar Verde prison.

José Daniel Ferrer was detained by the Cuban regime following the protests on July 11, 2021.

José Daniel Ferrer © Facebook/José Daniel Ferrer
José Daniel FerrerPhoto © Facebook/José Daniel Ferrer

José Daniel Ferrer García, leader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU) and president of the Council for Democratic Transition in Cuba (CTDC), turned 54 on Monday, detained and incommunicado by the Cuban regime in the Mar Verde prison in Santiago de Cuba.

It's another birthday that José Daniel spends in prison, after his arrest on July 11, 2021, the date when the massive and spontaneous protests against the Cuban dictatorship took place.

The Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Prisoners Defenders recalled the date with a short video in which it warns that the Cuban opposition member is in a bricked-up cell, where air hardly circulates and nothing can be seen outside.

It also does not receive sunlight and perceives a constant noise inside the cell. All of this has caused the opponent to suffer from severe headaches, tinnitus, oral bleeding, loss of vision, cramps, and temporary paralysis in his hands.

José Daniel's sister, Ana Belkis Ferrer, who is in exile in the United States, said in a conversation with Martí Noticias that her brother was in inhumane conditions and under permanent torture by the authorities to force him to accept exile.

José Daniel Ferrer is serving a four-year prison sentence imposed in February 2020 for the alleged crime of "injuries and deprivation of liberty" against a third party, which had been commuted to a four-and-a-half-year house arrest sentence.

On March 18, 2024, Fátima Victoria Ferrer, daughter of the political prisoner, was able to see him in prison after standing at the entrance of Mar Verde to verify her father's wellbeing, following strong rumors about the possible death of the UNPACU leader, who is also one of the 75 opponents jailed during the so-called Black Spring of 2003.

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