Wife of Cuban opponent José Daniel Ferrer manages to see him after standing in front of the prison

"They allowed me to see my husband for two miserable minutes," denounced Nelva Ismaray Ortega.

José Daniel Ferrer y Nelva Ismaray Ortega © Facebook
Jose Daniel Ferrer and Nelva Ismaray Ortega Photo © Facebook

After several months without being able to see the Cuban opposition leader José Daniel Ferrer, his wife, Nelva Ismaray Ortega, had access to a visit of just two minutes in the Mar Verde maximum security prison, in Santiago de Cuba, where the prisoner is located. from July 11, 2021.

In statements to the independent magazine The sneeze The woman stated that she had to stand before the prison authorities to demand her right to see the political prisoner.

"They allowed me to see my husband for two miserable minutes" on April 1, she stressed.

She explained that she stood from seven in the morning on Monday in front of the prison, until three hours later she managed to be attended to by First Lieutenant Iranis Pozo, second chief of Interior Order of Mar Verde.

She was taken to an office where she has been able to see Ferrer on other occasions, and after receiving several refusals from the aforementioned prison officer, she told him that she would remain there until she was allowed to see Ferrer.

"Around 11:15 a.m., when I made it clear that I was going to the waiting room, that I was no longer doing anything there, (...), they told me to go back to the office, and there the same officer gave me the news that it had been determined, after collaborating with State Security and the Headquarters, that they would give me two minutes," he explained.

The meeting was in "the same hallway of the dungeon, where they have left me on other occasions."

"He has recovered. He told me that at the time my stepdaughter Fátima Victoria was able to see him, on March 18, he was very weak after five days on hunger strike demanding medical assistance for the also political prisoner, Fernando González Vaillant. At that time At the moment he had started eating food for about 24 hours, but he was very weak," Ortega added.

Heleader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU) was arrested on July 11, 2021 for trying to join the popular protests that day.

He is serving a four-year prison sentence imposed in February 2020 for the alleged crime of "injuries and deprivation of liberty" against a third party, and which had been commuted to a four-year sentence and means of house arrest.

The wife of the political prisoner stressed in her statements that in prison he is kept in the same "inhuman, cruel and degrading conditions" and that José Daniel Ferrer thanks "everyone who is aware of his state of health."

On March 18, 2024, Fátima Victoria Ferrer, daughter of the political prisoner, was also able to see him in prison, after standing at the entrance to Mar Verde to have faith in her father's life, after strong rumors circulated about thepossible death of the leader of UNPACU, who is also one of the 75 opponents imprisoned during the so-called Black Spring of 2003.

On December 4, the regime allowed Ortega to visit him for a minute in prison, after having denied him a planned visit on November 16.

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