Consternation over the murder of a 19-year-old in Havana

The young man was well-known and loved in his neighborhood of Mantilla, in Arroyo Naranjo.


The murder of a 19-year-old Cuban who lived in the Mantilla neighborhood, in the Havana municipality of Arroyo Naranjo, has left deep dismay among his neighbors and loved ones, who cannot believe the news.

The young deceased, apparently very beloved and well-known in his neighborhood as "Guaji" or "Waji," died from a knife attack under circumstances that are unclear.

Facebook Capture/We are Mantilla

"Defending a friend. He was stabbed in the heart and passed away," said a user in the Facebook group Somos Mantilla in response to the persistent questions from many group users.

Another commentator specified that it happened "on the beach," while a third pointed out that "he was neither a tough guy nor part of the scene."

Facebook Capture/We are Mantilla

The young man, who lived on Mendoza Street in the mentioned neighborhood of Arroyo Naranjo, was raised by his grandmother, as his mother passed away when he was little, according to several people who knew him.

Facebook capture/Somos Mantilla

"We need to stop now. Honestly, we need to halt. There is a lot of hunger, a lot of misery, too many problems for us to also have to deal with the pain of losing a loved one overnight. It is very sad that from being the happiest and friendliest people we became murderers. Let us be aware of our actions, fight for a better future, and not ruin someone’s future who maybe had plans and goals," reflected a neighbor in another emotional post in the mentioned group.

"Please, especially here in Mantilla, where lately everyone wants to resolve everything by stabbing each other. In the best sense of the word, let's make love and not war, simply," he concluded.

Facebook Capture/We Are Mantilla

"I was really shocked because that boy was super kind and didn't mess with anyone. He didn’t deserve that for God's sake"; "Today Mantilla, Mendoza Street, is very sad about the loss of Guaji. My God, I have no words"; "What a hard blow. I couldn't believe it. We had just finished playing soccer with your last goal. We are going to miss you," wrote other friends of the victim, distressed, as part of the hundreds of comments generated by the young man's death in recent hours.

"I still can't process the news. Those of us who knew you will never forget you. Your tenderness, your kindness, your friendly character, your willingness to help. I hope you rest in peace and that your family finds comfort. Today you join your mom who is waiting for you. It wasn't your time; you were still very young. We will miss you so much, my boy. Rest in peace," wrote another person close to the young deceased in a heartfelt farewell.

According to a source close to the deceased young man, his killer has not been captured by the police. The alleged attacker is said to reside in the Cerro municipality, also in Havana.

Several internet users have taken advantage of the tragic event to reflect on the way violence among youth has surged in the past two years, something that many attribute to the undeniable proliferation of drugs, a scourge that even the Cuban government now acknowledges.

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