Latina on life in the United States: "You learn to be humble, to stay quiet, and to work."

A Latina reflects on life in the United States and the humility of people.

In a TikTok video, a young Latina shared her experience of living in the United States after growing up in Latin America.

The young woman who identifies as @holasoyverito2 and lives in Michigan began by expressing her longing for her homeland: "The truth is that I miss living in Latin America, but there is something that the USA has taught me, and that is to stay humble. And if you are not, you learn." She continued explaining that life in the United States has taught her to start from scratch and adapt in a country where she often feels like "just another number."

He compared the social pressures between both cultures, pointing out that in his hometown, people felt the need to showcase their status and possessions, which resulted in intense social pressure. "Here it's the opposite," he asserted. "No one cares, no one conditions your friendship on what you have or don't have."

One of the most interesting observations was their surprise at meeting wealthy people who work in cleaning jobs because they enjoy it or consider it a good business. "Here they have a different mentality. Here I feel they are focused on saving for retirement, so they don't spend lavishly on millionaire things even if they have the money."

The young woman explained how this shift in mindset has positively impacted her life. She lives with less social pressure and feels more at ease. "I wear comfortable clothes, I don't have the ambition to buy something too expensive. Your standards don’t lower, but you calm down and soothe that ego."

She concluded her reflection by acknowledging that the United States is not for everyone and that not all Latinos could get used to this lifestyle. However, for her, the lesson of humility has been invaluable: "This teaching of humility is very good."

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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